CoD5 Radiant Walkthrough | Lights, reflection probes, pathnodes, xmodels, volumes and more…
Tutorial Xmodels
In this tutorial, we will be covering the basics of using CoD5 Radiant for map creation. We will go over how to place lights, reflection probes, pathnodes, xmodels, volumes, and more to enhance your map design.
Step 1: Placing Lights
– Press L to bring up the light menu
– Select the type of light you want to place (point light, spot light, etc.)
– Click in the 3D view to place the light in your map
– Adjust the color, intensity, and radius of the light as needed
Step 2: Adding Reflection Probes
– Reflection probes help create realistic reflections in your map
– Press R to bring up the reflection probe menu
– Place reflection probes in key areas where reflections should be visible
– Adjust the size and intensity of the reflection probe to achieve the desired effect
Step 3: Placing Pathnodes
– Pathnodes help AI navigate through your map
– Press P to bring up the pathnode menu
– Place pathnodes along the desired AI path
– Connect pathnodes to create a logical path for the AI to follow
Step 4: Adding Xmodels
– Xmodels are static objects that can be placed in your map for decoration
– Press X to bring up the xmodel menu
– Select the xmodel you want to place and click in the 3D view to place it in your map
– Rotate and scale the xmodel as needed to fit your design
Step 5: Using Volumes
– Volumes help control gameplay elements in your map
– Press V to bring up the volume menu
– Place volumes in areas where you want to control player movement, trigger events, or change gameplay mechanics
– Adjust the properties of the volume to achieve the desired effect
By following these steps and experimenting with the different tools available in CoD5 Radiant, you can create a dynamic and engaging map for players to enjoy. Experiment with lighting, reflections, pathing, models, and volumes to bring your map to life and create a unique gameplay experience.
Well in this tutorial on how to create zombie maps I explain most of the things I was missing, the lights, reflection probes, path nodes, volumes, light grid volumes and I also explain a little how to use the asset viewer. This is very important for the time when xmodels are added to the map. Please subscribe to my channel to keep up with my content.
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