Grow your audience: 3 tips for CAM models
Welcome back to Cam Model Tips. This is Cam Guy Insights here for you. I apologize I’ve been gone for a little bit. I’ve been on vacation, my car broke down, little depression, you know, went to Great Clips did not leave with a Great Clip, definitely don’t recommend going there if you want a haircut. Few things I want to talk about today. The first thing is expanding your reach, widening your demographic. So a lot of you have reached out and said, “Hey, look, check this out. I’m stuck at like six to 20 viewers. Like, what can I do to fix this problem?” Here’s what you can do to fix this exact problem. You can go to your ChatterBait profile and make sure that you have all four of those boxes checked off: men, women, trans, and couple. So that will drastically widen your demographics. That will affect the amount of people that are able to see your room.
Another reason could be is that you’re pixelating. Okay, so how can we fix this problem? You can go, you could start by going around your house and turning off your smart TVs, unplugging them. Make sure if you have any iPads or Nintendo switches to make sure they’re not hooked up to the Internet. Also, what you can do is check to see if your router even has streaming capabilities. You just head right over to Google and type in “test my internet.” This little box will pop up right, and you run an internet speed test. This is what mine looks like okay, and I have what like two Smart TVs hooked up to the Internet, an Apple Watch, a cell phone, iPad. It works just fine for me. I’m streaming between 24 and 30 frames per second, and I have no issues. 24 frames per second is like the lowest you want to go. Any lower than that, then you’re you’re going to be pixelating, you’re going to have some you’re going to run into some problems.
Also, what you can do if you just notice that no matter what you are doing, you’re not getting viewers into your room, create a new profile. Okay, create a new profile and make a schedule for yourself. Like one of the videos I created on my channel “Peak Hours of Operation,” make a brand new page, shut it down, take advantage of that two-week beginner boost that they give you, and start over, start fresh, start a brand new profile. Like I said, if you haven’t started doing this, don’t do it because it’s a real life ruiner, it’s a real life tainter, taint, it’s a real life I don’t know. All right, see you in the next one.
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