Use obs on chaturbate
Here is a rewritten tutorial in English:
Using OBS on Chaturbate: A Step-by-Step Guide
Hello everyone, I’m excited to be back here today to show you how to use OBS (Open Broadcasting Software) on Chaturbate to elevate your live streaming game. In a previous video, I demonstrated how to create a professional-looking profile on Chaturbate. Today, I’ll show you how to use OBS to enhance your streaming experience and engage with your audience.
Accessing OBS
First, let’s access the OBS plugin on Chaturbate. I’ll navigate to the web application, which has a sleek and modern design. Don’t be fooled – this is the powerful tool that’s about to blow you away.
Admin Panel
Once inside the admin panel, you’ll see a menu with options for token images, main settings, and more. Let me show you around. You can upload more images to use as tokens, but for this demo, I’ll stick to the main settings.
Token Settings
Here, you can edit your information and configure the settings for when you receive a certain amount of tokens during your broadcast. This is where you can set up the image that will appear when you reach a milestone in your token earnings.
Stream Settings
Next, let’s dive into the stream settings. To start streaming, you need to install the OBS plugin. I’ll enable the camera on the other computer and connect it to the OBS software. Make sure to configure the settings to allow the plugin to work with your chosen platform.
Token Images
Now, let’s add some token images to make your stream more engaging. I’ll create a new token image and set it to trigger when a user gives me 500 tokens. When I receive 500 tokens, it will display a cute cat image.
Testing Token Images
I’m sending a token to myself to test the plugin. Ah, here’s the cat! I didn’t touch the computer to fire the image – it’s working automatically.
Adding More Images
Let’s add another image for 300 tokens. Ah, here’s the second image! I can keep adding more images to trigger different reactions from my audience.
ONUS Settings
I’ll add another image for 1000 tokens. This plugin makes it easy to manage my tokens and display customized images to engage my audience.
Configuring Images
You can configure the plugin to display images for different amounts of tokens, like this cute rabbit image for 100 tokens.
Displaying Tokens
When a user sends tokens, the plugin will display the corresponding image. This creates a fun and interactive experience for your viewers.
This is just a taste of what you can do with OBS on Chaturbate. I hope you found this tutorial helpful! If you have any questions or need more information, feel free to contact us at moke and tahar at gmail dot com. Thank you for watching, and I look forward to helping you take your live streaming to the next level!
If you want to learn more about this plugin or have specific questions, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to help you create a better streaming experience for your audience.
#obs #chaturbate